De La Mano


Dreaming of a genuine cigar lounge in Seoul.

A humidor for storing cigars, ventilation system, and cigars accessories are both essential components of any cigar bar, and “Cigar lounge” refers to the provision of all such services.

The Mayans, who invented the cigar in the tenth century, Christopher Columbus, who brought it to Europe in the fourteenth century, Che Guevara,

the icon of revolutionaries in the 1950, Winston Churchill, the British prime minister, and us, in the twenty-first century, are all part of the history of enjoying time as it has always been.

As the bartenders and staff know their way around cigars and provide a wide selection of drinks and whiskeys, the experience is much superior than that of just smoking a cigar.


2014 Opened Cigar License Office Cigar Shop Korea and De La Mano Cigar Lounge

June 2014 Davidoff Nicaragua Launching Party

2015 Agreement with Davidoff Korea as an official Davidoff Retailer

2016 Ro Hong, representative of Bluebell & Davidoff Asia Pacific and Kelvin, representative of Davidoff Asia Pacific Duty Free paid a visit


Nov 2016 Renewal of De La Mano & Davidoff YAMASA Launching party

2017 Launched Seoul Exclusive, the First Limited Edition of Davidoff in Korea Oettinger Davidoff Chief Executive Officer Hans Kristian and Ro Hong, representative of Bluebell & Davidoff Asia Pacific paid a visit

Aug 2018 Davidoff 50th Anniversary & PRK Glenlivet Dec 2018 Held “PANERAI Watch” Event

2019 Davidoff Year of the Pig Launching Event X Louis XIII Ro Hong, representative of Bluebell & Davidoff Asia Pacific and Kelvin, representative of Davidoff Asia Pacific Duty Free, Ambassador of Global Brand Louis XIII paid a visit Mar 2019 Davidoff X Macallan tasting event


Jul 2019 “De La Mano” 5th Anniversary X PRK Champagne Perrier Jouet Event

Sep 2021 Won Davidoff Golden Band Award

Sep 2022 Davidoff Golden Band Award Party Launched De La Mano VIP Hidden Lounge

Oct 2022 Davidoff X Glenlivet VIP Event

2022-Present Opened VIP Lounge of De La Mano

DE LA MANO​ Gallery