Zino's Room
VIP Lounge, De La Mano
It was designed to evoke the cigar industry’s “Gentleman,” “Zino Davidoff,” whose contributions included not only the ongoing evolution of cigar image, etiquette, and cool cigars,
but also the cigars’ foundational elements. We may become even deeper immersed in the world of cigars as we relax in this vintage chair with a fantastic view.
Zino's Room
VIP Lounge, De La Mano
It was designed to evoke the cigar industry’s “Gentleman,” “Zino Davidoff,” whose contributions included not only the ongoing evolution of cigar image, etiquette, and cool cigars,
but also the cigars’ foundational elements. We may become even deeper immersed in the world of cigars as we relax in this vintage chair with a fantastic view.